Ruby Todd McLeod. Web Development w/ Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language



Автор: Todd McLeod
Название: Web Development w/ Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language

Мова програмування Go була створена компанією Google для того, щоб робити те, що робить Google: виконувати веб-додатки в масштабі.

Мода програмування Go - це найкращий вибір для програмування веб-розробок сьогодні.

У Ruby on Rails, Python, Django, Node.js, PHP та ASP все коротше.

Go - це найпотужніша, найефективніша та масштабована мова програмування сьогодні для створення веб-додатків, веб-API, мікросервісів та інших розповсюджених служб.

У цьому курсі ви отримаєте міцну основу в веб-розробці. Ви дізнаєтесь все наступне та багато іншого:


networking architecture
the client / server architecture
the request / response pattern
the RFC standards defined by the IETF
the format of requests from clients and responses from servers

the role that templates play in server-side programming
how to work with templates from Go’s standard library
modifying data structures to work well with templates

the relationship between TCP and HTTP
how to build a TCP server which responds to HTTP requests
how to create a TCP server which acts as an in-memory database
how to create a restful TCP server that handles various routes and methods
the difference between a web server, a servemux, a multiplexer, and a mux
how to use a third-party server such as julien schmidt’s router
the importance of HTTP methods and status codes
The net/http package

streamlining your web development with the net/http package
the nuances of the net/http package
the handler interface
creating your own servemux
using the default servemux
http.Handle & http.Handler
http.Handlefunc, func(ResponseWriter, *Request), & http.HandlerFunc
http.ServeContent, http.ServeFile, & http.FileServer
State & Sessions

how to create state: UUID’s, cookies, values in URL’s, security
how to create sessions: login, permissions, logout
how to expire a session

how to purchase a domain
how to deploy an application to Google Cloud
Amazon Web Services

how to use Amazon Web Services (AWS)
how to create a virtual linux machine on AWS EC2 (Elastic Cloud Compute)
how to use secure shell (SSH) to manage a virtual machine
how to use secure copy (SCP) to transfer files to a virtual machine
what load balancers are and how to use them on AWS

how to use MySQL on AWS
how to connect a MySQL workbench to AWS

understanding CRUD
how to use MongoDB & Go
MVC (Model View Controller) Design Pattern

understanding the MVC design pattern
using the MVC design pattern

virtual machines vs containers
understanding the benefits of using Docker
Docker images, Docker containers, and Docker registries
implementing Docker and Go
deploying Docker and Go
Google Cloud

Google Cloud Storage
Google Cloud no-sql datastore
Google Cloud memcache
Google Cloud PAAS App Engine
Web Dev Toolkit

json.Marhsal & json.Unmarshal
json.Encode & json.Decode
Hash message authentication code (HMAC)
Base64 encoding
Web storage
JSON with Go using Tags

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